Small, medium and larger ...

The little ones
This period is called sensory. The fundamental objective is to ensure the awakening of the 5 senses:
• by touch by offering books and games of different textures so that the child can explore all the information on the temperature, shape and texture of the object;
• through vision by presenting objects of different shapes and colors;
• by hearing via musical awakening by offering soft songs, rattles offering different sounds,
which participates in the formalization of thought;
• through olfaction by familiarizing the child with the first scents that surround him;
• by taste by making him discover the 4 primary smells (sweet, salty, acidity and bitter).
Our role is to develop and preserve the sensory capital of the child.
the means
The child flourishes only in the psychic security of the bonds which he forges little by little with the one who welcomes him and the other children. Such a secure bond is essential not only for the immediate well-being of the little one but also for the slow process of individuation.
It allows the child to become more and more aware of himself and of the other. Consistency in the way things are done will give greater security to the child, as well as to his parents, by allowing him to guarantee the landmarks that are familiar to them.

The biggest
We prepare with the child and his parents the end of the reception in crèche when the departure for school is announced.
At the appropriate time, the nursery nurses begin to discuss his departure with the child. The separation, the transition to school are approached with the help of stories, songs, crafts ...
All these means allow the nursery nurses to talk about the departure, to put words on this important stage in the life of the child and his parents.
Our reflections and training for the realization of our psychoeducational principles were guided:
• by the works of Maria Montessori
• by the concepts of the educational and preventive psychomotor practice of Bernard Aucouturier
The engine of our pedagogy is observation and benevolence. As a result, the proper place of the adult lies
somewhere between withdrawal and availability. The adult must therefore give up ready-made ideas and learn
to be observed with patience, confidence, and humility.
We also attach great importance to guaranteeing the child continuity in his reception.
on a daily basis by supporting the management team.
Contact form
Opening hours
Monday Friday
7.30 - 18.00
Monday Friday
By appointment only
Chaussée de Mons 990
1070 Anderlecht
Metro Bizet